Hai guys gue pengen bikin tutorial dikit ni mengenai PHP Infusion cara instalnya di Host kita tanpa perlu upload filenya satu satu.
Tutorial ini berguna kalau anda mengunakan Cpanel pada host anda.
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Pertama tama download mentahnya dari
Kemudian extrac file tersebut.
Masuk ke folder php-files
Kemudian rename file blank_config.php menjadi config.php
Trus folder tersebut di ZIP kalau ada tar.gz di tar.gz saja (ingat yg di Zip adalah root dari folder tersebut). Upload ke server di folder public html mengunakan FTP clien yg anda sukai.
Sesudah itu masuk ke cpanel host anda, buat mysql dan usernya (jangan lupa username dan pass nya ya)
Masuk ke Cpanel lagi dan masuk ke file manager disana masuk ke folder public_html lalu klik nama file zip yg sudah di upload, lalu pilih extrac.
Sesudah extrac, gunakan ftp client untuk merubah CHMOD beberapa folder atau file berikut menjadi 777
* administration/db_backups/
* images/
* images/imagelist.js
* images/articles/
* images/avatars/
* images/news/
* images/news_cats/
* images/photoalbum/
* images/photoalbum/submissions/
* forum/attachments/
* config.php
Sesudah itu masuk ke http://www.domainanda.com/setup.php disana ikuti step by step semuanya, sesudah kelar jangan lupa hapus setup.php dan menganti CHMOD config.php menjadi 644 biar aman.
Dan selesai sudah semua.
Yang membeda kan tutorial ini dengan yg ada di readme cuman satu, bagian men-zip kalau aslinya dia harus upload semua satu satu, itu akan memakan waktu banget walau loe punya speed yg kenceng, karena filenya kecil2 dan banyak, blom bikin foldernya, kalau cuman 1 file akan lebih cepat, nah karena cuman 1 file, kita perlu meng-extrac file tersebut di Cpanel, mungkin udah banyak yg tau cara yg gue pakai ini, gue pakai cara ini karena speed internet gue yg aneh, yg agak keceng (cuman 120 kbps optimal) punya masalah dengan akselarasi tapi kalau dah sekali upload dia cepet bisa sampai kecepatan optimalnya yg cuman 120 kbps, yg satu dialup biasa akselerasi kenceng tapi namanya dial up cuman 40 kbps tulisannya optimal cuman 35 kbps.
Cara ini mirip dengan cara yg saya buat untuk cara upgrade WordPress, dan cara ini pun bisa di gunakan untuk meng-install Word Press dari baru.
Untuk Mendownload Tutorial ini dalam bentuk PDF
Bahasa Indonesia
English Version
How To Install PHP Infusion much Faster
Hi ya guys
I wanna to share my experience about how to install PHP Infusion much faster than original one.
The different about this tutorial just in you zip file that you want to upload and you must use Cpanel for extract it.
Ok let us begin
First of all you should get php Infusion file from
After that You extract file to your computer, go to folder php-files than in that folder rename blank_config.php to config.php and rezip this folder, you can use zip or tar.gz.
Upload this file with your FTP client to your site in folder public_html.
Go to Your Cpanel and after that go to you MySql and make MySql database and user (Do Not Forget the database name, user name, and password).
Back to Your Cpanel main menu select filemanager, after file manager open, please select file that you already upload, select it name, and after that chose extract from right menu on filemanager.
After It extrac, with your FTP client please change this file/folder CHMOD to 777
* images/
* images/imagelist.js
* images/articles/
* images/avatars/
* images/news/
* images/news_cats/
* images/photoalbum/
* images/photoalbum/submissions/
* forum/attachments/
* config.php
Go to your URI it would be something like this http://www.your-domain.com/setup.php and follow the instruction step by step, after that delete setup.php file with your ftp client, and change CHMOD config.php to 644.
And it all done
With this way you can install it much faster than ordinary way (upload file and make folder one by one) because you just only upload 1 file via FTP client, but you must had Cpanel for do this, or you must had shell account in your hosting packet but not many web hosting let user had this facility, that’s way I make this tutorial.
I hope it will be useful for you guys.
If You want, you can download this tutorial in PDF format You can download it
English Version